
  1. Enter the administration access code:
    1. Feature, *,*,ADMIN, which is also Feature, *,*23646. The display reads PASSWORD:
  1. Enter the Administration password. The default password is ADMIN(23646). The display reads, 1. sys speed dial.
  2. Press NEXT until the display reads 3. Time and Date.
  3. Press SHOW. The display reads TIME.
  4. Press CHANGE. The display reads HOUR: If you don’t want to change the hour skip to step 9.
  5. Press Change.
  6. Enter the hour in two-digit format for the 12 or 24 hour clocks.
  7. Press NEXT. The display reads MINUTES: If you don’t want to change the minutes, skip to step12
  8. Press CHANGE.
  9. Enter the minutes.
  10. Press NEXT. If you enter an hour less than 13, the display reads AM or PM.
  11. Press CHANGE to toggle the setting.


Begin the display showing 1.sys speed dial.

  1. Press NEXT until the display reads 3. Time and Date.
  2. Press SHOW. The display reads TIME.
  3. Press NEXT. The display reads DATE.
  4. Press CHANGE. The display reads YEAR: If you don’t want to change the year, skip to step 7.
  5. Press CHANGE.
  6. Enter the last two digits of the year.
  7. Press NEXT. The display reads MONTH: If you don’t want to change the month, skip to step 10.
  8. Press CHANGE.
  9. Enter the month in two-digit format.
  10. Press NEXT. The display reads DAY:
  11. Press CHANGE.
  12. Enter the day of the month in two-digit format